Monday, March 15, 2010

Finally!!!!! We recieved the FBI checks today! I will be sending them express in the morning so hopefully they will have them by Wed. So then we will be moving on to the home inspection and meeting the social worker to make sure we are not crazy people. yikes!!!

On another note of this crazy process we found out last week that due to the negative press on Ethiopian adoptions lately they are going to change the process. :(  so now instead of going over there one time and picking up the new little Mr. Mustard we have to go two times. Not that this would be such a bad thing however they want me to go over spend a week with him and them leave him there for 2 months and then come back and pick him up. Well anyone who knows me understands that its just not possible. So here it comes the crazy part I am indeed planning on staying in Ethiopia for the 2 months. The part im having the hardest time with is the thought of being away from the rest of my family for that long. My little Bailey and I have never been away from each other for more than 7 days. That 7 days was the longest 7 days ever. So this is where we are currently at. I hopefully will have a little more information soon, like where I would stay or even if I would be aloud to stay. As soon as I have new news I will fill you all in .........

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

So its March now!!!! Happy Birthday Shane the big 30!!!!!  Well we really have nothing new to post. I am sad to say I checked the FBI website and they are estimating 13 weeks for the checks to be done. So pretty much the only thing we can do is sit around and wait with crossed fingers. We will let you all know as soon as we hear anything. :)