Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Today I decided to start our blog because our application was excepted!!!!!! yay!!!!!
So starting from the beginning. November 28 was the day we made it official we were going to adopt. We told our families and were pleasently suprised at how supportive everyone was. We almost instantly became so excited we couldnt go an hour without googling adoption from here or there and everywhere inbetween. So pretty quicklywe were drawn to Ethiopia because of the overwhelming need there, and lets be honest the children there are apsolutely beutiful. So then we had to pick an agency. Google!!!!! hours and hours of Googling. I have an awesome husband by the way who is one of those get it done kinda guys. Much to my suprise we found our agency rather quickly thanks to my husbands never ending research. So on 12/02/09 we submitted our pre-application and on 12/3/09 we got the go ahead to do the official application. woohoo!!! So then it started We gatherd all the information and paperwork needed to submit and 12/14/09 we sent it off. and then we waited .......... okay we only had to wait 2 days but it seemed like 20! but today at 2:29 exactly we got the phone call and the email that we were aprooved :)!!!!!!!!!! So needless to say I am now so excited I cant think of anything else. (hense the starting of the blog) So thats it for now hopefully I will have my giant packet of paper work to get started on soon to keep me busy. until then..............

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for you guys. What you are doing is so awesome and I couldn't be more proud. We wish you all the best and can not wait to meet your new addition.
