Tuesday, May 18, 2010

We are officially on the waiting list!!!!! Braydens magic number is.......................40!! So even though this seems like kinda a big number its really not that high. I guess the way it works is all the people on the waiting list for boys of any age from Ethiopia are on this list. so really it should move rather quickly. Older kids have a much shorter wait time so there are people in that 1-39 that are waiting for boys that are older. She said that a conservative guess would be about 6 months. So with any luck we will be under 6 months from now. I will be getting new updates every month for as far as the wait list number goes so keep your fingers crossed and keep checking back for more updates.

Monday, May 17, 2010

So we should hopefully know tomorrow afternoon if all the new paperwork went through and then we will have Baby Braydens number :) cant wait!!!!! So here are a couple of pictures of my new wrists. The one that looks kinda like wish bones says peace and the other one that looks like it starts with a G says love. they are kinda crusty still so bare with the pics.

Friday, May 14, 2010

So sadly :( we are not on the waiting list today like we had hoped. We have just a couple of papers to fix and then with any luck we will be on the waiting list next week. So no baby Brayden number yet but very soon. I got my Amharic(Ethiopian language) tattoo's today for my birthday :) love them!!! I will post a pic soon but right now I'm all bandaged up and I look like a cutter lol! We will post next week and let you know the update on the waiting list and number

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OK so to answer the what was involved in the home study question from liz :) it was pretty much nothing at all I took off a week from work to finish our kitchen and baseboards and new doors and painting and it looks really great but it was so not necessary. She came two days in a row and she talked to Shane and I together and then separate while we were together she asked us why we wanted to adopt, how we picked Ethiopia, how we deal with stress, how we discipline the kids,and a bunch of stuff like that. when we were separate she asked us about our childhoods and families. Then she talked to the girls alone(I was secretly terrified they would say something like really embarrassing or crazy) they didn't! :)and then she asked us if our house was clean and safe she didn't even really look at anything. THAT WAS IT!!! a week off work and endless cleaning and that was it lol!!!

now on to new updates!!!

We have completed the dossier!!! and I600  so drummmmm rolllll!!!! as of this Friday 05/14/2010 we are officially going to be on the waiting list for our baby boy!!! so hopefully we will taking our first trip over to see him anywhere from October to December. this is all of course a maybe this is what the current time lines are but we could very well be a little earlier or a lot later. but we are going to have a number very soon. I promise I will be blogging much more often so I can keep you up to date on what number we are as the weeks and months go on. I will also post on this Friday as soon as I get an official number keep your fingers crossed it will be a good low number :)