Monday, January 11, 2010

So we have our homestudy and dossier paperwork I mean giant binders of paperwork. OMG!!!! The first time I looked through them I had a panic attack. There is alot of stuff in these things. I talked with the lady who will be helping us through the dossier process and she made me feel a little better. I at least understand kinda what im supposed to do. From what I can make of it I have to do every criminal record check known to man kind and get them notorized. Thats my first mission anyways. So im thinking I have some major late nights ahead and some stressful days. Tommorow I have a phone appt with the home study lady, hopefully she will help me understand what is what a little better. Oh well I know in the end all this crazy stuff will be worth it when we bring our sweet little baby Brayden home :) cant wait cant wait!!!!! Thats all for now I will let you know how the next phone call goes.

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